Planning any type of vacation can seem stressful, especially spending countless hours searching the internet for information and not knowing where to turn for the facts. When someone has a disability or a special need you need to have the knowledge and be familiar with what resources are available to you.
Remember, a disability or special need is not just considered the physical or mental challenges people face everyday, it also includes disabilities and special needs that people might face at a certain point in time. For instance, it can be from recovering from surgery, an injury, diagnosed emotional stress and/or anxiety, and so much more.
Traveling with a disability or a special need can be challenging as well. I experienced it first hand when my dad began having respiratory, mobility and other issues in my early teenage years. This was definitely a learning experience for me and my mom. He needed oxygen no matter where he went, wheelchair, commode, you name it! Where were we to turn? We became one of the individuals that had to spend those countless hours searching for equipment and/or special requirements for him because in the 1980's, there were no special needs services as readily available or recognized as there are today. Luckily, my mom and I were Travel Agents, having the knowledge, resources, and vendor relationships to make it happen.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (1990 - Amended 2008) guarantees that disabled travelers receive equal treatment under the law. The ADA Act was amended in 2008 to restore the intent and protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Each person's needs are a little different, and traveling in cookie-cutter airline seats, hotel rooms and rental car fleets can be very tricky. Nationwide, one in seven persons has some form of disability, and one in five families is touched. By specializing in special needs/accessible travel, Maraloha Travel has the ability to help this large percentage of the population travel in an enjoyable, safe and efficient manner.

Here are a few of what SNG offers:
So the next time you think that you or your loved ones can't enjoy the benefits of vacationing because of a disability or special need and/or you think you have to cancel the vacation because of it, let us make it a reality! Contact Maraloha Travel to book your Special Needs Travel today!
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